Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 6, 2013

Green Thumb Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2

Green Thumb Mod adds many new recipes into the game, making nearly everything craftable. Green Thumb Mod, when complete, will add hundreds of new recipes, and will only add a few modded items and blocks, while expanding Minecraft a long ways. This mod currently includes 58 recipes.


Too lazy to stand around all day, and wait for those pesky leaves to disappear from the tree you cut down? Use some of your excess wood blocks to create the saplings you left behind! Shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

Ever wanted to ride your pig companion off into the sunset?

Green Thumb Mod

Shortage of sticks for some reason? Use excess saplings to stock up! Shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

Leather is, to me, a hassle to find. Cows spawn with the terrain, like all other livestock. Trouble finding cows on a new world? Use rotten flesh from the zombies you’ve slayed, instead! Be sure to dilute the rotten flesh smell, though.

Green Thumb Mod

Mycelium is a rarity in survival, as finding a mushroom island is nearly impossible without a mapper. Therefore, you can grow your own mushroom culture with mycelium based on these recipes.Crushed mushrooms are shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

No shears? Trouble with iron? Not a problem. By use of a sapling, and seeds for some reason, you can craft leaves to make that awesome treehouse you’ve always wanted.

Green Thumb Mod

Remember that time you saw a skeleton in chain armor, and wanted it really bad?

Green Thumb Mod

Searching for a stronghold for cracked and mossy stone bricks? Searching for a jungle temple for chiseled stone bricks and mossy cobblestone? Look no further! Cracked bricks, mossy cobblestone, and mossy bricks are shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

Getting tired of trying to get a skeleton to kill a creeper? Always wanted something to play in that useless jukebox of yours? Craft discs with this mod!

Green Thumb Mod

Too scared to make a nether portal? Don’t want to risk your life? Craft stuff from the nether in the comfort of your own home! Soul sand is shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

Settling in a snowy biome can be very boring, and difficult. Shake it up by making yourself an igloo, entirely made of ice! Shapeless

Green Thumb Mod

Instead of trading valuable emeralds to villagers for them to make flint for you, smelt your own

Green Thumb Mod

Trying to mine endstone, but can’t get that dragon to leave you alone? Craft some. Shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

Silk touch is possibly the most difficult enchantment to get your hands on. Grass is now yours. Seed recipe is shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod

Spiders are pure evil. Instead of dealing with those shady characters, craft some string and string byproducts from passive sheep. String recipe is shapeless.

Green Thumb Mod



  • Download and install Minecraft Forge

  • Download Green Thumb Mod

  • Put Green Thumb Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.

  • Done



  • Records are now craftable

  • Leaves are now craftable

  • Fixed chiseled stone brick recipe

  • Fixed grass/bonemeal recipes

  • Fixed sapling to stick recipe

  • You can substitute rotten flesh for leather in any leather recipe

  • Changed the crushed red mushroom texture to Green Thumb Mod

  • Added chain links, Green Thumb Mod

  • Chain armor is craftable via chain links

  • Gravel can be smelted into flint.Seeds are craftable

  • Fixed the Soul Sand recipe

  • Added a file, so it looks prettier

Credits: Enosphorous


Green Thumb Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2
Website: Free Download MineCraft

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